Indeed, New-Skin Liquid Bandage smells and looks a bit like nail polish-you even apply it with a brush, just like nail polish. It does include ethyl acetate, which is an ingredient that’s commonly included in nail polish. It’s also a great first-aid product for regular, non-eczema-related cuts and scrapes. I highly recommend the New-Skin Liquid Bandage for times when you have deep cuts caused by dry skin or eczema. But you can expect it to help your cracks heal more quickly, which helps offset the initial bit of discomfort you’ll have to endure. You’ll have to expect quite a bit of stinging (much more than if you were simply to apply Vaseline and a bandage). But the flip side of this is that it stings a bit when you apply it. Inactive ingredients: amyl acetate, camphor, ethyl acetate, ethyl alcohol, n-butyl acetate, nitrocelluloseĪn antiseptic is built into the product, so there’s no need to worry about harboring germs. New-Skin Liquid Bandage ingredientsĪctive ingredient: Benzethonium Chloride (0.2%)

New skin liquid bandage nere me crack#
Eventually it flakes off on its own (usually after the cut or crack has sealed), but if you’d like to remove it before then, the instructions say to apply a fresh coat of New-Skin Liquid Bandage and then wipe it off right away.

And you don’t have to worry about losing it due to water exposure-it’s fully waterproof, and you can apply a second coating if you think you’d like a bit of extra security. New-Skin Liquid Bandage is liquid, so it’s designed to fill any kind of crack, wherever it falls on your hand. Though you can try to stick one or multiple bandages on the area, you end up bending your finger(s) as you go about your normal activity, which causes the bandage to lose its stickiness, which leads to problem #1 again. These are also precisely the hardest areas to bandage. Bandages come in a variety of sizes, but usually the cracks in your hands end up in places that flex (your joints, the knuckles, etc.).It always bothered me that the thing that was supposed to be helping me heal was actually starting the itchy -> scratching -> cracking cycle all over again. For those who have eczema, or sensitive skin, the adhesive of the bandage itself can often more irritation to your already-itchy, inflamed skin.Bandages don’t stay put when you wash your hands or even while you’re sleeping-you’ll inevitably find out that the bandage fell off due to water exposure or friction.Here were the problems I had with regular solid bandages: It won me over when i woke up one morning and saw that a big crack in my hand (which usually takes a few days) had healed overnight. But one day, I finally discovered a wonderful alternative: liquid bandages! Specifically, New-Skin Liquid Bandage, which already includes antiseptic built into a flexible liquid bandage. Slapping a bandage over the crack (after applying a moisturizer like Vaseline) can help it heal, but there are a few problems with bandages (which I’ll get into later on in this post). Anyone who’s had hand eczema will understand right away when I say that, if you have severely dry skin, it inevitably starts to crack, and then it starts to bleed.